[DVD] the GazettE - Tour09 - DIM SCENE


el tour que dio the gazette con el album del mismo titulo DIM SCENE.

Tracklist ~

o1. Hakuri -> intro'
o2. The invisible wall
o3. Leech
o4. Hyena
o5. Distress and coma
o6. Shiroki Yuutsu
o7. Erika
o8. 13Stairs [-1]
o9. Headache man
1o. Without a trace
11. Nakigahara
12. Shikyuu
13. A moth under the skin
14. Cockroach
15. In the middle of chaos
16. Filth in the beauty
17. Ogre
18. Discharge
20. Ride with the rockers
21. Ruder
22. The social riot machines
23. Anata no tame no kono inochi
24. Kantou dougeza kumiai
25. Linda ~candy dive pinky heaven~
26. Miseinen

les dejo los links:

Disco 1
Disco 2
Disco 3

creditos: aoi_secks

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